Discipline is something that the adults do with, and for children; rather than tostop them from behaving in undesirable ways. Its intention is to help children become self-disciplined as they learn appropriate and acceptable behavior patterns. Discipline involves a continuous process of guiding behavior and is offered while appropriate behavior is occurring, as well as before, during and after inappropriate behavior is displayed.
Prevention strategies
- Established clear, consistent and simple limits.
- Reinforcing appropriate behavior
- Offer straightforward explanations for limits.
- Ignore minor incidents.
- State limits in positive way, rather than a negative way.
- Provide choices.
- Focused on the behavior rather than on the child.
Intervention Strategies
- Problem solving.
- Reminder of rules
- Acknowledging choices
- Use natural and logical consequences
- Redirecting
- Using proximity and touch.
What Clients Say
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Sophia is so lucky to have had such enriching experiences with you and all her teachers at The Preschool Place this year. Thanks for inviting us for another wonderful event [Kinder Plus Author’s Day]. We loved all the stories!
I love this daycare.It’s very spacious and safe for kids. Even in this hard time all precautions and safety measures are used to protect our children. Even more staff is very supportive,kind,and helpful. They personally take care of safety measures.